Frequently Asked Questions
01. I want to sell my Business, what are the next steps?
Jump on a Free Consultation with us. At Heritage M&A Research Institute we will guide you on every step of the way. You only pay us if we are successful in transferring your business and once you get paid.
02. What does "AI-based" mean?
It means that we, at Heritage M&A Research Institute, have made substantial investments to develop top-of-the-line AI, NPL and Proprietary databases to speed up the overall M&A process and accelerate the acquisition of potential buyers.
03. How much will it cost me?
Tradionational M&A intermediaries charge retainer fees, interim fess, other fees and success fees. At Heritage M&A Research Institute, to remain true to our mission, we only charge you a Success Fee based on the Transaction Proceeds, once you get paid, and depending on the deal size.
04. How much time does it take to close a Transaction?
Depending on the complexity of the transaction, it can typically take anywhere near to 6-12 months. Thanks to our technology and standardized processes we aim for 3 months with certain transactions being closed in as little as 60 day.
05. I am a buyer, will it cost me anything?
Not a dime.